Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Levi'-s- Opioneers! (Go Forth)

Walt Whitman's Poetry 26 four line stanzas used in a series of Levi's commercials directed by Cary Fukunaga and M. Blash in late 2009: I have been obsessed with this ad, not for its marketing ploy aspect but the beauty of its cinema, fashion and style.

Against the backdrop of such a powerful voice, using Whitman's words as direction for plot, placed in some of the most beautiful places in the world, in less than a minute such naturalistic, free beauty is depicted. This to me is video art.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Performance Art Project

Originally when brainstorming for a Performance Art idea It was my intent to utilize both a gorilla and chicken suit with some outlandish scene in the middle of campus that would force people to stop and stare, however this comedic act was shallow in meaning and I knew I wanted to dig for more.
Then it hit. Monday, April 15th, the Boston Marathon bombings. In the middle of class, the story broke, flooding all social media and news sites, jarring everyone's hearts and minds- from there everything was shaken. Nothing can be related to 9/11, the grandscale of death, pain and tragedy, however in the fourth grade, the depth of the matter was over my head and the fear and pain millions felt from that day and years after, struck a similar chord as I learned Boston, my home, had been attacked. The streets I've walked countless times, the very own marathon I've grown up watching, but most importantly and most chilling of all, the proximity to friends and family. Thankfully my racing mind was relieved with the news no loved onces had been injured, however my heart remained weak and I knew I needed to pour out my passion, love,pain and fear into a performance piece that could pay tribute to the lives lost, the heroes and not only those in MA who had been mentally and physically affected, but the rest of the country, brewing in fear and uncertainty over the multiplying acts of terror. I wanted to remind people of the good in society, the hope, love and peace that we must keep strong to combat the evil.We can't let them win. We need to love harder, live with more appreciation and make it our personal mission to help as many people as possible, to make this world more beautiful so in trying times we're reminded not to give up. We're strong and united and should be encouraging peace. Which is exacty what I decided to do.

Inspired by the culture of the 60s and 70s with protests involving pacifist hippies circling a tree holding signs, I decided to make a big poster board collaged with newspaper clippings of images of the victims of Boston, headings detailing the events and overall, articles, words and pictures that captured the overwhelming amount of ugly in this world. I then decided a symbol, an image would have more effect, capturing attention from the distance so I painted a peace sign, in a cool light blue shade and within the sign included brighter, blissful images that encapsulated serenity and the beauty of life. Within these images I collaged quotes from the Dali Lama and song lyrics promoting peace and love.

I nailed this to the tree directly in front of Sykes, a middle point of campus I believed would capture attention and directly below I left a shoe box with post its, pens, tape and scissors instructing people to leave their own messages of love and support- either in ways they could change the world or how we should live ou lives daily. Once everything had been set up I took a seat on a nearby bench and scouted for close to thirty-forty minutes. The videos are a bit boring besides two segments that show two different sets of girls stopping to leave their mark. Many people, frustrating enough, walked right by completely overlooking it because they were too glued into their phones. I visited again a few hours ater and a couple more post its had been added, and then to my absolute PLEASURE, the next day as I was walking by, fully thinking security would have taken it down already, everything was still there and this time, the tree had a noticebaly greater amount of incredible, heartfelt notes.

This performance art was a more introverted type of reflection, not outlandish and dramatic with costumes and makeup but the idea greatly appealed to me because it related to something I am incredibly passionate about, beyond Boston even, something everyone can share. I wanted people to take a second out of their days, stop and think about the lives they're living and the current events in today's world and what we can do to enrich our lives with peace and love to fight the terror and not curl up in fear. I wanted to convey a sense of support, an outreach and outlet for those in pain, and although the videos aren't highyl entertaining, the build up of notes showed positive feedback and a clear reaction matching my original intent.


Friday, April 12, 2013

Grid ART- Nitty Gritty Body Image

The extremes of body image and society's role in building norms has always been an issue I've found incredibly interesting. From a personal stand point, I identify with this back and forth identity struggle and the pressures of a woman in today's society to fit a certain standard. We see curvaceous figures like Beyonce's and Shakira, model bodies like Adriana Lima and Gizelle and then, there's the rest of us. The majority of America, overweight due to a culture obsessed with over production and mass consumption.
The idea for this grid art project stemmed deep within my own passions and self doubts. Making up the 900 object grid were countless food wrappers, majority 'fun size' chocolate candy wrappers- purposefully used to pit the irony of their size against their substance. Along with the candy wrappers I mixed in other junk food scraps including friend's food casings from McDonalds and Starbucks. Here and there I placed healthy wrappers from green tea or whole grain pasta, creating an almost 'Where's Waldo' like effect, in search for what's left of the healthy in society, attempting to find middle ground. The food wrappers represent one extreme of society- the over consumption, the lack of self control, and my own sweet tooth, a weakness and craving that I deal with in waves.

Juxtaposed against the backdrop of wrappers, I created the side silhouette of society's 'perfect' woman: slender shoulder, big breasts, small size zero waist and curvaceous behind. At first, I started building this woman, still following the grid structure. Her abdomen made up of a magazine cut outs of the perfect abs, toned and taut or the tiny tummies in advertisements. Building and building, it was difficult to determine the exact dimensions. I would crouch down on the floor for hours on my knees, then get up, look from a different angle, then get back down and re-address the image and keep building. This was my favorite part. I used all magazine cut outs of women's different body parts- it felt like a meat market, how society picks us apart and rates us depending on our parts-" oh, GREAT ass..she's a 10" "did you SEE that rack?!" "motorboat haven" or even worse, the comments made regarding weight, curves v.s. cellulite. I specifically started out piece by piece then as the body got bigger, I start cutting out just portions of different skin tones, curves of the body, and collaging them in segments, placing them to create the lines of the hip or breast bone.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Video Installation: Magnetic Recording


The art of oral tradition evolving over time, technologically expanding to improve rich details and vast capabilities, specifically in concerns to magnetic recording shaping the way we use video today.

-sound recording improves post WWII
-rapid recording/playback (two essential tools)
-big names in early development:Oberlin Smith andValdemar Poulson
-1951 magnetic tape for data storage begins
-optical recording: primary competitor


FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS MOVIE First flash mob scene in Times Square NYC Second and Final Flash mob scene in Grand Central Station

Pop culture became infused with flash mobs once popularity spiked, as movies and television shows found ways to incorporate the radical mass group dances. In Friends With Benefits, the flash mob ties together the entire romantic storyline with the beautiful mystical back drop of two NYC's most beloved and well known destinations. Another plus about FWB's usage of flash mobs? The ingenious GQ marketing design. I unfortunately couldn't find the video segment after prolonged searching, but in the movie, a TV screen is filled with a mass amount of ant like looking people, different colors, all dancing in a flash mob like motion until the people evaporate until they only make the shape of 'GQ' lettering on a solid white back drop. Eye catching, creative and technology infused.


Second example, also tied to romance- a very unique proposal-boyfriend surprises girlfriend at 1:50 by jumping into the flash mob and joining along, dead center and by 2:50, pulling out a ring and proposing, 3:40 she says yes. A little shaky, certainly not professional but LOVE the idea


The faces of all the bystanders, especially children, bewildered by the beauty. Musicians coming from all sides of the streets, congregating in the middle, all in response to one little girl dropping a coin in a hat.

1:34 goosebumps
3:09 my mouth drops open, re-occuring goosebumps
3:39 child shown having climbed on pole to get better view
3:58 the boyfriend motioning with his hands to his bewildered girlfriend
4:24 women lined up singing opera
4:40 little boy dancing and waving his arms overcome with excitement
4:55 picking up tempo dramatically to end- AMAZING.